Rapid digital acceleration in 2020
The year of 2020 will be known as a historic one. Not just for pandemics or elections. But as the year in which digital technology took over in the workplace. Rapid change is taking place and, fueled by both technological developments and covid-19, work as we knew it will have disappeared.
Remote working drives a need for new technological skills in the workplace
As both companies and employees alike get used to remote working, the expectations are that a remote workforce is here to stay. And remote working requires different skills than interacting with your colleagues in the office. But that is not all that is happening.
Covid-19, in combination with the digital acceleration already under way before the pandemic hit, means that companies see the interaction with their customers, employees and stakeholders shift vastly. Market needs and opportunities require a fundamental refocus on technology. Digital first is finally here.
All workers will have digital jobs
As traditional organizations struggle, the tech sector thrives. Experiences become digital, products and services become integrated platforms, and employees work remotely. Eventually all workers will have jobs that involve digital and all will need to be digital natives – or something close to it.
Digital upskilling: do you and your teams have the right skills for the digital age?
Of course, by now most people know how to connect their computers on their WiFi at home and use Zoom or Teams. But the new digital skillsets required go further than that.
“Before there used to be tech jobs, and non-tech jobs,” said Joe Atkinson, PwC’s chief products and technology officer. “Now there are just ‘jobs’, and everyone needs to have comfort with technology.”
Simply relying on hiring new people with the digital skills you require is not going to be enough: everyone is trying to do the same and the competition for key talent will be fierce.
Therefore, ensure you work on upgrading the skillset of your own teams as well as recruitment. And do not for get your own upskilling!
Tips for upskilling your organization digitally
Perform the digital skillset check and get ready for the 2021
As the speed with which you will be able to execute your digital upskilling objectives will be key to remaining competitive in the next digital age. it is worthwhile to start asap and ask your self: do you, and your teams, have the right skills for the digital age?
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