Strategy Creation Framework

Your Strategy on a Page

If you’re not careful, strategy can quickly become very complicated. But focus and simplicity are crucial for communication and successful execution.

Therefore, we will always strive to capture your strategy on a single page using a simple strategic framework.

The one-pager ensures that you have a clear framework with which to explain your strategy to your organization.

Additionally, your strategic framework forms the basis for the execution of your strategy.

Strategic framework for strategy creation - one pager

Strategic Framework Basics

Nextrday are experts in crafting a tailor made strategy. With our ‘strategy on a page’ method you can expect a compact, but all-encompassing, strategy that is easy to communicate throughout your entire organization, yet is ambitious and works towards your goals.

What will the future look like? What is the overall purpose of your organization? Why do you exist, and why should your customers care?

The future aspiration for your organization and the goals and objectives you are looking to achieve with the strategy.

Your organizational values make it clear, to both your teams as well as all your stakeholders, how you are looking to achieve your goals and objectives, and how you will bring your purpose to life.

The strategic choice about where you will compete. And where you will not.

With customers and consumers will you serve? In which market segments and geographic areas? And through which channels?

Here, you outline your overall strategic focus areas. Limit yourself to 3-5 high level strategies.

This also includes your How to Win’s: how will you win in the areas that you have chosen to compete in? What are the strategies, initiatives and tactics to deploy?

What capabilities and enablers are needed to implement and execute your strategy successfully? And how will you go about building these?

How will you organize yourself and ensure you can be successful? What organizational structure, systems and processes need to be in place? And how will you measure and track success?

Strategy creation framework

We use a simple, clear methodology to get to our end goal: your strategy on a single page.

We use where-to-play and how-to-win methodology, always starting with key insights and ambition, and ending with the capabilities required to make your strategy a success.

strategy develoment and creation process

Build Your Strategy with Your Teams.

Engage your coworkers and create your vision and strategy with your team. You will not only end up with a better strategic plan, but it will help with the adoption and execution of your strategy as well.

And you might have more fun along the way!

Strategy Creation

strategy creation workshop small

Vision & Mission

Strategy mission vision workshop small

Start accelerating your growth today.

Team up with Nextrday to optimize your strategy and go-to-market approach and ensure all processes, tools and capabilities are in place to execute successfully.