Strategy Creation

Make the Right
Strategic Choices

Develop a solid, forward-looking strategy with clear goals and objectives to ensure you get where you hope to be.

Strategy creation is in essence about making choices: where to play, and how to win where you choose to play.

Strategic choices concern the opportunities to pursue, marketplaces to enter, customer segments to serve and products and services to develop.

As you cannot be everything to everyone.

“The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.

Strategy is about making choices.”

Michael Porter

American Academic

Strategy Creation Basics

Outline your ambition, set clear goals and objectives, and make the right strategic choices to deliver against your vision and purpose.

Nextrday Strategy Creation Development Plannng
A clear definition of your long- to mid-term strategic goals and objectives that help you achieve your vision and live your purpose.

Financial of course (revenues, profit, operating margins), but also non-financial (market share, industry disruption, customer success, brand positioning, international expansion… you name it).

Based on a market assessment, opportunities and trends, your internal capabilities and your own vision and ambitions, formulate key strategic questions that need to be answered in your strategy.

A strategy without clear choices is no strategy at all. As the saying goes: as you can be anything you want to be, but you cannot be everything to everyone.

Therefore, making clear strategic choices and being specific about where you will play and how you will win is essential.

Create and Execute
Your Winning Strategy

Strategy Creation Toolkit

We use a comprehensive toolkit which will help you plan and execute your strategy, from defining your mission, vision and purpose, to making the right where to play and how to win.

This includes ways to boost your to creativity, such as design thinking and interactive strategy building sessions and team workshops.

Of course, we will only use those tools that are need to cater for your specific situation.

Strategy Development Tools

Before you start diving into strategies and actions, it makes sense to formulate what the mission of your organization is, as well as your vision for the future. What you are aiming to do, and what you will become.
Purpose-driven organizations increasingly outperform their peers. A strong purpose – supported by an authentic brand – will help customers, employees and other stakeholders relate to your company, products and services.
Strategy is all about making choices. In which markets, customer segments or product and service classes to compete. And how to win there. Through defining clear Where to Play (WTP) and How to Win (HTW) choices, we are able to lay the foundations for a winning strategy.
Design thinking helps us to think long-term and visualize new solutions for – sometimes familiar – challenges and set out clear options to drive innovation, transformation and sustainable growth.
Strategy is not built in Excel or Powerpoint. Strategy is created with people. Therefore, we will plan a series of interactive workshops and inspiration sessions, involving your teams and key stakeholders.

Build Your Strategy with Your Teams.

Engage your coworkers and create your vision and strategy with your team. You will not only end up with a better strategic plan, but it will help with the adoption and execution of your strategy as well.

And you might have more fun along the way!

Strategy Creation

strategy creation workshop small

Vision & Mission

Strategy mission vision workshop small

+40% annual growth

“The work Alexandra did with our leadership team was fantastic. We never would have gotten to such a clear vision, strategy and execution framework without her help.”

Markus Sebastian

SVP and MD EMEA, Align Technology

Talk to

Let’s discuss how we can team up to achieve your ambitions.

Learn more about how we have helped other organizations, large and small, innovate, transform and reach new levels of sustainable growth through vision and purpose, strategy and execution, go-to-market and branding.