Go-to-Market Strategy

Optimize Your
Go-To-Market Approach

A Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy serves to make sure you will bring your products and/or services to market in the best possible way.

It starts with which customer groups you will serve, what products or services you will offer them, and why they should care about your brand or offers.

Your selected target markets, distribution channels, omnichannel experience and marketing and sales strategy complete your Go-to-Market strategy.

Go-to-market GTM strategy detailed with 6 key phases
Go-to-market GTM strategy detailed with 6 key phases

What is a Go-to-Market (GTM) Strategy?

Your Go-to-Market, or GTM, strategy outlines in detail what products and services you offer and how you will bring these to market.

Your GTM plan includes the Who (your target audience or customer segments), the What (your products and/or services), the Why (your brand proposition), the Where (your target markets), the How (your sales and marketing strategy) and finally When (timeline and key milestones).

Everything starts with the Who of Go-to-Market: who is your audience? And what are their needs, characteristics and beliefs that you are looking to address?

What products or services will you offer to your target audience?  How are these different from the competition? And why does it matter?

Why would your target customers care about your products or services? What branding will you apply to make sure that they do?

Your brand positioning and overall value proposition is an essential part of your go-to-market strategy to make sure this is clear.

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The fourth component of an integrated Go-to-Market strategy is the decision of where to market your products and services.

The selection of your target markets is crucial: in which geographies, industries and sectors will you compete?

Your Marketing Strategy is your overall game plan that specifies how you will connect your products or services with their intended target audiences.

Your Sales Plan then outlines the distribution channels you will use, the sales methods your will apply and your overall commercial strategy.

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The timing of your go-to-market activities is key. Get it right, and you might outpace the competition and gain a first-mover advantage. Get it wrong, and you might be too late. Or too early…

Your GTM plan will therefore include a timeline with key milestones and dependencies.

Benefits of a

“The North Face saw a fantastic acceleration to new growth levels following the work we did with Alexandra on our purpose, strategy, brand, go-to-market and execution capabilities.”

Arne Arens

Global President, The North Face

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Let’s discuss how we can team up to achieve your ambitions.

Go-to-Market Toolkit

We use a comprehensive toolkit which will help you plan and execute your go-to-market strategy.

Our go-to-market strategy tools and integrated approach will help you connect your products or services with your target markets, including the Who, What, Why, Where, How and When of go-to-market, or GTM.

Nextrday loves a modular approach. We don’t use what we don’t need.


Strategy & Tools

Your Go to Market strategy, or GTM approach includes your sales and channel approach, target customers, marketing, brand and pricing strategy. All elements will be aligned with your overall vision and help to execute your company strategy.

Your Go-to-Market, or GTM, process outlines the mechanism by which your will execute your GTM strategy. Who will do what? By when? And how do the different functions, regions and business units in your organization interact?

Your brand position and the overall value proposition of your offer outlines why your potential customers should care about your products or services. And of course, your brand should be aligned with your overall strategic goals and objectives, purpose and vision

Here is where your brand positioning and overall value proposition comes in. .

A tailored marketing strategy is your overall marketing approach. In it, we outline how your products or services will be connected with your intended target audiences.

Your sales activities ultimately determine how many of your products and services will get bought. Your GTM sales strategy outlines which distribution channels you will use and how you will be successful there.

The foundation of a great go-to-market strategy is the data, analytics and CRM tools you have access to. Great data allows your to build great strategies and identify and target your customers precisely.

Starter Package

Build your strategy quickly with our strategy starter packages.

We understand that you would like to implement your ideas sooner rather then later. Bring your team together for an engaging workshop and let us do the rest!

  • Kick-off

  • Review of organization, competition & market

  • Conversations with leadership team & stakeholders

  • Strategy workshop with expert moderation

  • Consolidation of outcomes into a strategy document

  • Creation of your strategy-on-a-page

  • Wrap-up with follow-up, actions & next steps